Pittsburgh is the dirtiest town I have ever seen in my life. It is dirty, hot and disagreeable and I should not like to live here if I can avoid it. I went to the Mellon Institute where many of the big companies have special fellowships for chemical and all kinds of industrial research problems. It is very well equipped and the building alone looks like a palace. I saw the university of Pittsburgh, called the cathedral of learning because it looks like a Gothic cathedral, but is a skyscraper at the same time. It is an amazing building. I have been offered a good job, but will try my luck in California.
The country is full of convention news and everything else is pushed into the background. Europe seems to be getting worse, news from Vienna and Berlin is rather bad. I remain rather pessimistic, although certainly not for this year. People here have become rather anti-British, or more so than in the past. The Jewish question pays a big role in the news. In New York, in the Jewish parts, one could see posters to boycott England, English goods and denouncing England very strongly. I think myself that Britain behaved abominably, breaking all promises and forfeiting all the good will.