Friday, November 1, 2019

July 1946

     I tried to get my Czech passport and citizenship papers in order because it is always better to have some kind of passport. They refused my application for renewal of passport and are not willing to consider me as a Czech citizen because I did not fight in the Czech army, which I of course, could not have done.
     I went for a visit to Belsen where friends of mine work at the D.P, camp. We went over the area of the infamous Belsen camp, mass graves all over the place - the ghosts of the camp can almost be felt. One furnace where people were burnt is left as a remembrance and a big poster at the entrance reminds you of the great new German culture. There are still millions of DP's, Jewish and non-Jewish who have lost everything and wait for a solution for their lives. The American Joint Distribution Committee is doing very good work there for Jewish D.P.s but it is a hard and unpleasant task. The old Belsen camp has been burnt down last year because of typhoid fever, but they live quite near to it in a new camp.  Many thousand of Jews are there and have nothing to do all day long so many indulge in the blackmarketeering and other nonsense. Most want to go to Palestine and wait for a place to go so they can settle down. They did not come on their own free will, and wait for help and rescue. Palestine is a difficult question. It is difficult for Great Britain to intervene in the highly explosive area expecially since the Russians have made themselves supporters of Arab nationalist claims, and the Americans criticize Britain but refuse to take a share of the responsibilities.
      I now work for the publications board scheme of the Department of Commerce. We are going to microfilm all important German scientific and technical research, and make it available to all Allied industrialists or government departments. One goes from one factory to another, or to universities, or institutes, and screens what seems to be of importance and not well know in general. A few days later microfilm operators arrive and film all the material. Then it is sent to Washington, indexed, short English summaries are attached and bibliographies are then sent to any interested agency. The Russian government has ordered copies of every film. Private industries can order either copies of the films or photostats for little money and avoid repetition of experiments and research previously conducted in Germany. That will be the only reparations which America will ever get out of Germany. I travel mostly though the British zone, as that is where the bigger metals plants are located. We work only in the three western zones.

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